ELLA DICE - Ween SAID: She is a muslim girl. She wears what she feels comfortable with, believes that there is norestriction of being fashionable, despite she is wearing hijab, but if she had overdo, and doesn’t follow the properhijab rules, to tight or to sheer, etc, pls don’t be hesitate to guide her. She welcomes all comments positively. But,no harsh words pls. Try to respect others feeling, and u will be respected too.
Soy una niña musulmana. Llevo lo que me sienta cómodo, considero que no existe ninguna restricción de estar a la moda, a pesar de tener que llevar el hijab. Se celebran todos los comentarios de manera positiva. Pero, no las duras palabras. Trate de respetar a los demás el sentimiento.
LOOK 543
2 comentarios:
i respect women who don't sacrifice themself for fashion
Eva Ana,
thanks :))
thanks for featuring me.
and the num 543, love it! :D
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